Friday, February 10, 2012

Dance For You

Last post was a lunatic one. i can't even believe i actually wrote stuff like that. haha! i'm sorry for being lost few days lately, you know, i had been apologizing for this probably for like 10+ times? pardon me.
Saturday night seems flat for me as usual. i was kindda in the mood of wondering and dreaming right now. were just clicking some other blog and i was wondering to go overseas and stay there for studies and collage,in my expectation, it might be so much fun to have new experiences and just chillin with new people and environment i know its hard but i love new experiences.

I wished wished wished i can be a piano expert,really. playing piano was amazingly just shoote all the situation and feeling you know. My teacher were really good at playing piano, he was like you gave him one song that he never even heard them before but he constantly will know how to play them VERY WELL. Sir, give me your tallent!

what else? i don't know, this is just so random. i'm just squirting everything out on my mind to my blog, because this is what my blog mainly is.

And i finally get a haircut few days ago!

Its not a real big difference. :D
Bye ! xx,Nikita

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